Your people are your greatest asset!
They’re the ones you rely on to take care of business and produce stellar results time after time. With that much riding on your team, keeping them happy is a top priority.
My friend, Gail Kraft, is a motivational speaker, author, and thought leader coach and she joined me on the podcast to share some of her best advice for building the team culture that takes your business to the next level.
Being the boss isn’t always easy! It takes a mental shift to move into the leadership role that propels your company forward.
“Going to the next level for me was learning that, number one, the folks that were your friends before are no longer your friends – you’re their boss, and you need to form a different relationship.”
That doesn’t mean you have to become a hard-nosed taskmaster, but you DO have to step out of the day-to-day work and allow your team to carry the load.
Gail’s got several tips that help you delegate while also creating a supportive, rewarding team culture.
- Be Clear on “What” AND “Why”
Setting clear expectations on tasks is a given- your team can’t come through for you if they don’t know what you want! But many business owners fail to explain why they want things done a certain way.
Communicate why it’s important to follow a particular process. Be open to suggestions or new ideas, but always be clear on your end goals so you and your team can work together to achieve your vision.
- Plan Ahead to Avoid Micromanaging
Each new project comes with potential problems. When you can identify those ahead of time and have a plan in place to solve them, you don’t have to watch your team’s every move!
You should keep an eye on things to ensure everything is on track, but you can allow them to work their way without hovering. And if problems do arise, you’ll keep a cool head because you’ve already got a solution at hand!
- Relieve Stress Often
The team that plays together stays together! Gail loves to come up with creative ways for her team to relieve stress or to celebrate a job well done.
She rewards her team with great perks and inspires creativity with games and fun opportunities to blow off steam. It gives everyone a chance to come together and have fun while also generating great new ideas!
- Build Relationships
Your team isn’t just a series of interchangeable worker bees. These are your people, and they need to know that you care about their well-being on the job and off the clock.
That means showing up for each other, picking up slack if someone is sick or needs time off, and consistently proving that you’ve got their backs through anything.
A thriving team culture brings better productivity, stronger growth, and more revenue – and that makes EVERYBODY happy!
Check out this episode of Building Your Empire with SophieZo because Gail has an amazing offer for listeners! She’s giving you a FREE 30-minute discovery session so you can learn more about her coaching program and how she approaches problems, leadership, and resolutions! Visit https://gailkraft.com/ to book your complimentary session today.