My friend, business mentor, author, and founder of BoldHeart.com, Fabienne Fredrickson, joined me on the podcast recently, and she said something that really surprised me!
When I asked her to share her best advice for helping business owners make the leap to 7 figures, she replied,
“YOU can’t.”
Now, Fabienne didn’t mean that you can’t reach 7-figures, she means that YOU can’t do it alone. Sounds familiar, right? This is what I’ve been telling you all along. What can I say – great minds think alike!
Fabienne has mentored tens of thousands of businesswomen over the years, and she shared some incredible advice for entrepreneurs who are ready to make the leap to the next level.
- What got you here won’t get you there.
Fabienne knows that in the early days of your business, you did it ALL. And while that works for small business owners aiming to make 5-10k a month, it’s not sustainable for those trying to reach 250k, 500k, or a million dollars each year.
If you try to juggle all the balls by yourself, your business will either stay exactly where it is now, or you’ll burn yourself out completely.
- To achieve more, you have to work less.
It sounds counterintuitive, but Fabienne is absolutely right. You must have a dependable team if you want to successfully scale your business. You need to be able to delegate most of those tasks you’ve been managing single-handedly so you have the time to focus on exponential growth activities for your business.
- You are worthy of rock stars, and you shouldn’t settle for less.
Building a team can be challenging. Business owners are anxious to fill holes, and they often hire people that aren’t a great fit just to have a warm body!
Fabienne advises business owners to hire based on 4 things: experience, skill, wiring, and culture fit. She says you should hire as if you were running a huge corporation, not just fill a spot with someone with a pulse!
- Give your team the tools they need to succeed.
Fabienne says that too many business owners fall into the trap of “drive-by delegating.” They hire someone, throw a bunch of tasks their way, then they’re disappointed when the end product isn’t what they expected.
Fabienne reminds us that our team members aren’t mind readers! Visionary leadership requires you to be very clear in your instructions and expectations. Tell your team exactly what you want completed work to look like – give examples whenever possible. Give clear due dates, point them in the right direction, and empower them to do things the way you want them done.
This was one guest who was truly speaking my language! If you’d like to hear more of Fabienne’s awesome advice, check out this episode of Building Your Empire with SophieZo.
Then, head on over to BoldHeart.com and check out Fabienne’s new book The Leveraged Business: How Overwhelmed 6-Figure Business Owners Reach 7 Figures (And Gain Their Life Back). She has an amazing deal for you – if your order the book through the website, you’ll only pay for shipping, AND you’ll get a free assessment to determine which of the 8 activators to put in your business first! Don’t miss this awesome offer!