My friend, Krisha Young, is an incredible business coach who specializes in working with successful women, and she knows that when it comes to business, women face unique challenges.
“Women come to me when they’re really unhappy in their business. They’ve reached 7-figures, this pinnacle of what they thought their career should be, but they’re not happy. They’re burned out and ready to burn it all down.”
So, what’s happening here?
Why are women feeling unfulfilled even after they’ve reached the financial goals they set for themselves?
Krisha says it all comes down to one thing – lack of self-care.
“They’re following shoulds. They’re doing what they think they SHOULD be doing, but they’re following everybody else’s blueprints. They’re following the achievement paradigm rather than putting their own needs and self-care first.”
Sounds familiar, right?
We have all these ideas about what we SHOULD do to be successful, but they’re often at odds with what our bodies, souls, and hearts truly need.
Krisha says there are several steps we must take to align our goals with our femininity and the deeper parts within ourselves. First, you must establish your heart’s connection to your goals. Ask yourself why you want to achieve this particular goal.
Next, you must nurture yourself and care for your needs as you strive to reach the goals you have set, and above all, listen to your intuition.
“Listening to your intuition is the ultimate form of self-care because when you are listening to your body, and you’ve tapped into your intuition in a very deep way, you can set boundaries and put aside guilt and limiting beliefs.”
When you begin to trust yourself and your instincts, you’ll be able to overcome the mindset that it’s selfish to take care of yourself, and that’s when you’ll finally begin to treat yourself like a high-value woman whose time and wants are valuable.
To hear more of Krisha’s awesome advice on what it means to be feminine in business, check out this episode of Building Your Empire with SophieZo. Then visit https://krishayoung.com/ to learn more about Krisha’s amazing coaching program and check out her Rejection-Proof Sales offer!