I love Stevie Nicks.
She’s cool, talented, and incredibly successful – a total badass. I love her songs, I love her look, and I also love her message, particularly the one about going your own way.
I’ve been running my business for a long time, and over the years, I have gotten a LOT of advice from coaches, advisors, strategists, and mentors. Some of it has been fantastic. I have been inspired time and time and again by the brilliant ideas I’ve received from some of the most creative people I know, and they made my business better.
Other times, well, let’s just say, it hasn’t worked out as well… I’ve gotten some questionable advice about changing my business model, renaming my company, rethinking my appearance, and a million other things that didn’t feel authentic to me or my business.
Most of the time, I took it with a grain of salt, and either ignored it or applied it to my business in a way that felt real, genuine, and authentic to me. But sometimes I didn’t and found myself getting lost in something that truly wasn’t me. It felt good and exciting in the moment, but it ultimately wasn’t the way I needed to go in my business.
That doesn’t mean you should never take advice! You should absolutely surround yourself with people you trust and admire. People that have achieved the success you want in your life. People that can help you grow. But remember that you don’t have to take every piece of advice a mentor or coach or advisor gives you- even if they’re REALLY successful.
Deciding not to a follow a mentor’s advice was my Stevie Nicks moment – the moment I realized, “Wait a minute, you CAN go your own way!”
You can, and you should, because this is YOUR business, and YOU get to call the shots. You have to know what works for you and trust yourself and your instincts. Check in with yourself frequently, and if something doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not.
Sure, you’ll make mistakes- we all do, but in the end, you’re building the business that suits your life. You have to choose your structure, your methods, your timelines, and how you want to show up in your business, and go with it.
If everything goes perfectly, awesome! And if it doesn’t – revisit, revise, and try again. Don’t be afraid to go your own way. Keep following your vision and trusting your instincts, and you’ll attract the opportunities you’re looking for.
If you want to learn more about knowing what advice to take and what to ignore, check out this episode of Building Your Empire with SophieZo. Then, if you’re ready to talk about growing your business YOUR way, let’s talk! https://sophiezocalendar.com